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This proposal is in the name of M/s. THE ADITYA SPIRIT COMPANY,more popularly hereinafter referred to as "TASCO".

In line with other breweries established in India the one proposed under the name and style of TASCO will use the latest technology and process to enhance quality and efficiency using good manufacturing practices and also ensure the maximum safety of employees.
The main benefits of the proposed project are as follows:

  • Transfer of modern technology, manufacturing practices management techniques.
  • Encouragement of local manufacturing and distribution network.
  • Potential for exports to other States in India and abroad.
  • Additional economic growth and employment potential.
  • Opportunity to develop a world-class consumer products industry.

In order to achieve these benefits, the plant capacity chosen is of economic size, which justifies the commitment of money, expertise and resources. The plant is located near to major markets and to a pool of skilled and semi skilled labour



The main objective is to manufacture up to 24 lac cases of Beer through a State of the art Brewery located in Ranchi, Jharkhand to serve the ever growing important beer market of Jharkhand and other States in the region. Besides other non alcoholic beverages and potable water packaging plant shall bea potential market to explore.

In Jharkhand the beer market is approximately 40 lac cases annually and there is shortage of beer in the summer months and this fact and the ever growing beer industry sales of 8 % annually offers good potential for the project Currently the installed capacity of other brewery in the State is only 12 lac cases per annum and there exists ready potential to get a fair market share of the beer industry in the State.

The new factory site will be equipped with technology to deliver reduced energy consumption. Co2 emissions and carbon footprint, such as optimized equipment layouts to reduce process loss and waste. This new modern brewery will proudly brew popular beer brands along with many other brands within our portfolio. This brewery will primarily serve our Jharkhand market to offer an efficient and effective modern brewery to complete in this important market.



The beer which is proposed to be manufactured has a good stability and has been accepted in the Indian as well as foreign markets. Strong Beer with alcoholic content above 5% v/v has become very popular and dominant and occupies 80% market share followed by light and draft beer.

It is therefore been decided to produce Lager Beer, Strong Beer and Draft Beer in the Brewery.

Beer is covered under the Indian Standard Specification, IS: 3865-1966

Beer will be a product of alcoholic fermentation of a mash in potable water of malted barley and hops or hop concentrates, with or without the addition of other malted or unmalted cereals like rice maize etc or other carbo-hydrate preparation.

Beer shall be free from any ingredient injurious to health

Beer shall be free from any artificial colour except caramel produced by sugar during the process.

Beer shall also be free from artificial sweetening agents